
Friday 27 March 2015

Paper Mache

Paper Mache is one art that has always fascinated me. I had learned it from a TV show when I was a kid and was surprised to see how a few delicate sheets of paper could join and make a strong structure. It is only your imagination that limits what you can create. I remember the first bowl I made as a kid. I painted and covered it with varnish to make it waterproof. We used it till I finished college!!!

My son has made a few of them and here are two of them...

To make Blue Bell:

Blue Bell was created when Britain hosted the Olympic games in 2012. He was designed to be the Olympic Mascot.
To make Bluebell, the first step was to make a paper cone and fill it tightly with news paper without disturbing the shape of the cone. Then close the mouth of the cone by gluing a sheet of paper.
Make a few thick strips of paper. You can do it by rolling newspaper and then sticking at the end to prevent it from unrolling. Now paste these strips at the flat end of the cone.
Apply one or two layers of tissue paper to make its skin look good. After everything is dry, apply an even coat of the color of your choice. We chose Blue and Orange.
To make eyes and mouth, we took help of the Pizza carton. The eyes are made of cucumber and mouth is tomato;-)
Cut thin strips of paper and color them with the colors of Olympic rings. Paste them on Blue Bell's head.
This completes the Olympic mascot.
The hidden secret of Blue Bell is that if you turn Blue Bell upside down, he becomes the Olympic torch!

The second one is named MUSHI....Not the Moshi Monsters though. We had not heard about them till then.

To Make Mushi:
To start with, we made two paper balls and pasted them one above the other. Then cut two identical cardboard pieces to resemble wings. We also cut two cardboard pieces to form legs for Mushi. The cardboard pieces were held in place with the help of sticky tape. After that the whole structure was covered with two layers of tissue paper.
Now came the colorful bit....Shreyas chose yellow for the body and orange for the limbs. You need to be very careful while painting because the tissue paper tends to rip off. Just dab the color with cotton ball. Once everything is dry, use paintbrush to make the facial features.
The last and final bit was the hair for Mushi. Cut a long strip of paper and then fold it in half length wise. Now open the fold and make cuts on one half of this strip width wise  Now roll this around Mushi's head and glue it in place. Viola! A new creature has just been created.

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